YES! You're ready to upgrade your health with herbal teas! But did you know the Art of Herbal Tea Course is included FREE inside the Confident Herbalist Tribe?

Enjoy taking the Art of Herbal Tea Course


  • 57+ practical masterclasses & workshops so you can take your pick and study what YOU like and need
  • Learn REAL herbalism so you can improve your health and support your family better...get off the Big Pharma hamster wheel
  • Get mentorship in live chat sessions (join me live each week!) so you're never alone in your herbalism journey
  • Enjoy hundreds of replays (and they're searchable) so you can find exactly what you need with a click of a button
  • Videos, text, audio accessibility so you can learn the way YOU want to
  • Be part of a like-minded, vibrant community

I'm so excited I'm learning so much!

"Since I joined the Confident Herbalist Tribe, I have learned so much about herbs. I'm centered in one place rather than trying to learn from a whole lot of herbalists. I wasn't learning anything before I came to the Tribe. Now, I am! I'm actually using the herbs rather than leaving them on the shelf. It's so exciting!"

 –Annie L., Confident Herbalist

I'm a Triber for life!

"I'm in the Confident Herbalist Tribe for life, and I've completed the Family Herbalist Certification program too. Two of the best decisions I've ever made. I love both groups!"

 –Sandra Pfeuffer, Confident Herbalist


You're ready to dive more deeply into learning herbalism, and now your biggest question is:

WHERE do you find REAL mentorship?

Let's face it--there's nothing more frustrating than learning the basics about using herbs for medicine, only to feel like there's just SO much more to learn! And there's nothing more disheartening than getting started making herbal recipes, and then trying to do it all alone without help or feedback.

You would love to have a working knowledge of the medicinal herbs that grow around you. Maybe you've even tried taking foraging courses or searching online... You know that it's time to finally learn about the plants in order to take your herbal studies farther...

And yet, it's not quite working.

There's just SO much information about the plants, and you're not sure who to trust. Maybe you're afraid that if you try to grow or forage your herbs you'll make a mistake. As far as herbs and essential oils go, you're still deathly afraid you might poison someone!

Wouldn't it be amazing to have a REAL herbal support system with actual herbalists and aromatherapists to answer your questions? A true herbal village!

Others make learning herbalism look easy. But for you, it's been anything but easy! You thought that the hard part was going to be taking a simple course or reading a book or even learning from YouTube, but as it turns out, that was only just the beginning, plus YouTube has an awful lot of garbage information. And now you feel like you must be missing something.

Or, maybe you're just realizing you want to have an actual person, a MENTOR, you can talk with to support you in your ongoing learning.

You're not alone. Most beginning herbalists and early aromatherapists feel these same things.

The truth is that having real knowledge about how to use medicinal herbs and essential oils with confidence is a game changer, one that will improve your health (and your family's), save you a ton of money, and even make you more self-reliant and empowered in your health choices.

The problems?

Most herbal courses are super expensive and usually aren't enough to get you started with true confidence...

Most people don't understand your desire to be more independent with your health through turning to natural plant medicine, causing you to feel SO alone on your herbal path....

And the fear of harming a family member or yourself often makes learning herbalism and aromatherapy feel like it's more trouble than it's worth....

But what if there was a way to make sure you got it right and actually developed a working knowledge of the plants and why/how they work?

What if you had a way to learn how to work with plants, people, and situations with confidence?

What if you had a kind and supportive community with experienced herbalists and aromatherapists to support you and answer your questions?

What if you had a path for making the more advanced topics you want to learn about accessible for you?


And I want to support you in becoming skillful and confident in your use of herbs and oils.

I spent years struggling through health issue after health issue, battling with doctors about drugs that didn't work and only made me feel sicker and had dangerous side-effects.... Then my high school son got an ulcer from taking ibuprofen for his painful knees for football at the team's doctor's suggestion.

That was the final straw for me!

I have been so blessed to learn about herbs and essential oils. I began my herbal education in earnest and even started my own medicinal herb gardens. I became a clinical herbalist and professional level aromatherapist. And, for the past 11 years I've been teaching others to have their own version of health empowerment through plant medicine.

I can help you speed up your herbal learning journey and create formulations with confidence because I support you in person (online)! I'm here for you! And I also supply you with a community of like-minded friends in a safe, private student group that's off social media. Our teaching of herbalism and aromatherapy are based on our belief that God is the Creator of all and has gifted us with perfect medicinal plants.

Join us on the journey!


Imagine having a special, private place where you have access to valuable researched course materials, a village of herbalists & aromatherapists to support you, and live weekly interaction with real teachers....

Here's what that would look like....

  • Getting off of over-the-counter medications and possibly prescriptions like so many of our students have instead of being trapped in the medicine and side-effect cycle
  • Experiencing improved health instead of continue to suffer as you are now
  • Learning to handle your health holistically (mind, body, spirit, emotions) for TRUE healing and health instead of taking medicines only for symptom control and help others do the same
  • Gaining the confidence to REALLY learn how to use herbs and essential oils safely and effectively instead of wondering if you're going to poison someone you care about
  • Having experienced herbalists to turn to when you need some help formulating and decision-making
  • Perhaps even starting your own herbal business and doing something you're passionate about as many of our students have done
  • Having a support network whether you're working clinically, as a community herbalist, or as a family herbalist.
  • The Confident Herbalist Tribe radically speeds up your learning process in learning phytochemistry, formulation (and more), AND provides solid support and help.

Joining the Tribe has been the BEST decision I could ever have made.

"Joining the Tribe has been a life-changer for me...and my husband. It is the BEST decision I could have ever made. Being able to take our health into our own hands has been liberating to say the least!!"

 –Sandy Judy, Confident Herbalist

alternative medicine with dried herbs using motar and peste, and book on science sheet


The herbal community and materials you need to finally grow in your herbal experience, learn higher level herbalism and aroma skills, and get your questions answered by REAL herbalists to support you.

The Confident Herbalist Tribe is a motivating and complete herbal education community and group of herbal masterclasses with LIVE access to me weekly on Zoom. It's designed to help you learn deeply about medicinal herbs in all ways, so that you can formulate, create, grow, harvest, forage, preserve and prepare your own herbal and aromatic products for your family, yourself, and your friends...and maybe even start your own business!

I originally created the Confident Herbalist Tribe to help people seeking better health and independence from Big Pharma achieve the ability to use medicinal plants with confidence, safety, and effectiveness because I've seen first-hand in myself and others the life changing results from using medicinal plants.

After four years of added content, students who started out as beginners and are now practicing experts, we have content and activities for all levels from beginner to advanced. We're a village of herbalists who support and love each other.

If you are a person who is into self-reliance or natural living, or if you are sick and tired of having to use over-the-counter and prescription medications, this is an opportunity that I promise you will not want to miss.

The scientific information is what sets the Tribe apart...

"Fascinating information! Thank you for sharing, Heidi! I think the scientific explanations are part of what sets your Confident Herbalist Tribe apart from other herb schools. The herbs and oils work absolutely, but also here's why and how you can expand upon it in your journey... 😊"

 –Carrie O., Student Herbalist

I can now make what I need and formulate the products myself!

"It dawned on me today that I am now able to navigate the "pharmacy" section of natural food stores. I'm also able to make most of the things on the shelves at home, and I can formulate them myself! Thank you, Heidi!

 –Heather Savage, Confident Herbalist


More than just a course or a few plant monographs, the Tribe is an active community of support for you; AND it's a massive group of herbal masterclasses, workshops, and bonuses available at your fingertips...

The fact is, when people begin learning to use medicinal herbs, they're usually overwhelmed. And truthfully, there aren't a lot of places where you can reach out and ask a REAL herbalist a question and get an answer you can trust. Also, most good herbalism courses are expensive.

Here in the Confident Herbalist Tribe, student members choose their path. They can LEARN in community with others or by themselves in self study....OR BOTH. It's a completely individualized experience. You'll become a confident herbalist by joining the Tribe regardless of how you choose to study.

You can become an herbalist in the margins of your life, on YOUR terms, and in the time you have. I did it. And I've taught others to do it.

You can become a confident herbalist too.

- P I L L A R O N E -


You'll take a short and fun quiz to determine exactly where you are in your journey to becoming an herbalist and aromatherapist!

Knowing where you're starting from gives you a point to begin. And, recognizing this baseline helps you acknowledge later on how much you've grown. This gives you confidence!

- P I L L A R T W O -


We all learn differently. Step two is deciding how you want to approach your herbal learning inside the Tribe.

Masterclasses are organized in three ways: 1) by body system; 2) seasonally; and 3) alphabetically.

PLUS, our weekly live chats:

  • Monthly plant focus with recipes
  • Practice with a client intake and developing protocols
  • Live Question/Answer session
  • Access to all replays, and these are SEARCHABLE with transcripts.

Workshops! Additional fun workshops are rotated in and out each quarter!

Decide how YOU want to approach your herbalism path, and then take action!

- P I L L A R T H R E E -

Your Village

Learning happens best when there's experimentation and interaction among like-minded people.

Inside the student community you'll have access to experienced herbalists and aromatherapists every day, as you need.

You have all the support you need in the Confident Herbalist Tribe!


Become a confident, skilled herbalist & aromatherapist in a vibrant community loaded with herbal knowledge and fun.

If I don't have what I need, I can go into the group and find a recipe or get some help!

"When Heidi offered the monthly classes in the Tribe I jumped on it, her rates were SO affordable compared to all the others, she's a walking encyclopedia, and she is a kind, warm, humble human being that is easy to listen to and watch! When I started doing all this my kids were sure I'd flipped my lid, now they're calling me, "Hey mom, ya got any kinda voodoo concoction for this...." If I don't, all I have to do is get into the student group and I can find a recipe or get some help!"

 –Nicole Hanna, Confident Herbalist


"The Tribe has been a game-changer! I was just experimenting on my own last year, but now that I joined the Confident Herbal Tribe I feel like I'm truly getting an education!"

 –Christina P., Confident Herbalist


Get all the tools you need to become a truly confident herbalist.

When you join the Confident Herbalist Tribe, you will have instant access to all the tools you need to become a truly confident herbalist and aromatherapist. Our proven process provides a guideline for you to safely start making your own herbal preparations with SUPPORT, so you'll never be overwhelmed with information overload again or experience paralysis by analysis!



The Tribe currently contains over 55+ complete masterclasses. These are deep dives into specific herbs and essential oils PLUS herbal foundations courses. Each of these include videos and printable books that are between 30 and 50 pages of researched information, recipes, materia medica, phytochemistry, foraging and growing information, and more.

You'll get to choose the masterclasses that YOU need for your herbal journey. All of us are different and we need different places to begin. The Tribe provides this for you with three different organizations of the masterclasses. You can choose to start with body systems (perfect if you want to improve your health), take a seasonal approach (which is great if you're a gardener), or just take the masterclasses in alphabetical order or as they arrive each month in the course materials.

You're never "behind" in the Tribe, either. You can go through the masterclasses on your own schedule. It's easy to learn herbalism in the margins of your life. Most herbal preparations take literally moments to make, and by using your little spots of time in your life, you can quickly create herbal remedies to use for yourself and family.

The value of the Confident Herbalist Tribe is literally priceless. If I had to put a monetary value on it, it would be in the thousands of dollars with all of the courses, teamwork, live chats, a searchable platform, audible books, and a community that's like no other you've ever experienced.

And you can join us for only $47 a month!

That's crazy!

But my mission is to get an herbalist into every extended family, and THIS is the way to do that affordably for folks. This price will be going up soon because as all things business, our costs have gone up considerably, and the value of the Tribe is crazy high. THIS is the membership I wish I'd had way back in the day...and even now!

Tea composition on concrete background - space for text


Honestly, our community is priceless. It's like none you've ever experienced before.

I realized how special our village is when another herbalist actually reached out to me for answers and help with a client....because she couldn't get an answer in her own student group! She said the group was dead.... I've been in groups like this myself, and there's nothing more frustrating!


If you have a question (and you will), this is where you can get answers, ideas, suggestions, and options from other herbalists and aromatherapists. It's truly an amazing addition to your learning and will dramatically shorten your learning curve!

Having access to the student community will alleviate any fears you have of poisoning yourself or family with herbs (which is pretty impossible to do anyway).

AND....It's OFF social media on our own private platform! No creeping eyes from the interwebs sneaking over your shoulder at what you're sharing....


On top of the amazing student group, you have personal access to me each week in our LIVE Question and Answer Chats and also inside our active student group that's JUST for Tribe members. **Yes, these are recorded, so if you have a question you want me to answer directly, I'll answer you on video in our weekly meetings, and you can always catch the replays. There are hundreds of these for your viewing pleasure, AND they're about to become searchable by the end of the year.

My hourly rate with clients is a minimum of $150 an hour. These chats alone are worth joining the Tribe, even if the masterclasses weren't included!  

herbalist gardender  small business owner picking gathering fresh herbs for alternative medicine tea and poutting on balance


Each month, we take a very deep scientific dive into one plant where you'll learn about the phytochemistry (why it does what it does), enjoy fully researched in-depth content, the history of the plant's use, folklore, and new recipes and remedies.

There are around 50 plant masterclasses now. Each contains a full text (30 to 80 pages long), additional recipes and remedies, AND videos to enjoy. These will deepen your herbalism knowledge as you walk with me through some fun how-to's.

You'll also have access to all replays and slide decks used. Truly, there's nothing like the Confident Herbalist Tribe.


Members of the Confident Herbalist Tribe have FREE access to Herbally Accomplished Workshops each quarter.

In these workshops which are rotated in and out, students learn important herbal and aromatherapy skills and do two to four extra projects a month. Videos, live chats, and PDF's with recipes included.

These are available to take separately in the School of Botanical Arts & Sciences....but we LOVE the Tribe, so you get these on rotation, too!



This was a birthday gift from me for Tribe members in honor of The Confident Herbalist Tribe's FIFTH birthday!

This is an incredible and thorough medicinal herbal tea course where you'll learn all about herbal teas from an herbalist's perspective and have access to over 140+ formulations and recipes!

This course has a value of over $1,000; and the actual price inside the school is currently $127!

**This course, like the 55+ and growing masterclasses, is included for good.


Members of the Confident Herbalist Tribe get special discounts and pricing on other courses in our school. In fact, quite often, members have access for free to additional courses for sale in the school. Members also get a great discount on St. John's wort fresh herb when we harvest it during its short harvest window each summer!

Students of Healing Harvest Homestead School of Botanical Arts & Sciences also get treated to discounts from several bulk herb companies and reputable essential oil companies including Foster Farms Botanicals, Reverie Farm, Amrita Aromatherapy, and others!

"Be ready for life-changing results!"

I had a follow up with my doctor about my BP and he said with the progress that I have made I do not need to go on any meds. Mullein and marshmallow root and hawthorn berry and flowers are my daily tinctures. Keep an open mind and be willing and ready for life changing results. Don’t be over whelmed any questions or concerns are always answered and point you in the correct direction to find the answers you need."

 –Matt Wiedyk-- Confident Herbalist, Aromatherapist, and Dad

Don't miss this very special opportunity to join the Confident Herbalist Tribe!

$4,000 Starting at $47


Choose a Subscription Plan

You can join the Confident Herbalist Tribe on a subscription basis. If you don't like subscriptions, be sure to look at our "lifetime" options. The benefit to joining us on a subscription basis is that you have access to the content and best of all the live weekly chats for an extremely low price.

You're grandfathered in with the price you join at as long as you remain a member in good standing. NOW is the best time to join, because prices usually go up one to two times a year.

Choose the best plan for you:

Monthly Enrollment: $47

$4,000 Starting at $357


Own the Tribe as a Course

Because some people don't like subscription plans, buying the content as a complete course gives you the option to pay a one time price for lifetime access to the Confident Herbalist Tribe materials and community.

It's a great time to invest if you don't care for subscriptions...before prices go up again.

If you're committed to ongoing herbalism learning and love the camaraderie of the best herbal community there is, live Q&A and plant chats, help with your clients (when you're ready), then this is your best option.

When I joined the Confident Herbalist Tribe what I found was an active and vibrant family of herbalists led by an excellent teacher.

"At the time Mrs V started the tribe I was half way through another course from a different herbal school. I was struggling with the format of the course and was disappointed with my progress and support there. After I became involved with the Tribe I never went back to finish that course because what I found was not a school curriculum, but an active and vibrant family of herbalists led by an excellent teacher that takes each student under her wing and takes a personal interest in each one.

I have progressed in my herbal studies under her by leaps and bounds. Thank you Mrs V for the passion and love you show us.

 –Cliff Bennett, Preparedness Expert and Herbalist


Is the Confident Herbalist Tribe Right For Me?


  • Over 57+ masterclasses currently. New masterclasses are added on average every month, although sometimes more than one are added, and sometimes we'll skip a month.
  • Membership in the private school community. My student community is OFF social media on a completely private platform. You don't have to worry about prying eyes, and you can feel comfortable asking questions.
  • Live WEEKLY Question and Answer Chats...
  • Watch the replays anytime you want.
  • BONUS courses included
  • Occasional access to other courses in the school.
  • Discounts on physical books and occasionally new courses I release.
  • PRICELESS: Access to a real herbalist and aromatherapist where you can get your questions answered.

NOTE: This is a completely digital product and group of masterclasses. Certain books are available as a physical book for an additional cost that's steeply discounted for Tribe members.


You'll have access to the course materials inside the school immediately upon purchasing.

Once you're inside, please read and watch the Welcome video. Here's you'll find the link to join the special Confident Herbalist Tribe Student Group.

You can reach out to me with any questions you have.


You have a lot of choices about how you want to invest in your herbal learning with The Confident Herbalist Tribe!

Option One: Subscription plans...

A subscription plan is charged monthly, quarterly, or yearly on an ongoing basis. These are generally less expensive in the short-term and they help people get started affordably.

Option Two: Purchase the Tribe as a Course...

When you purchase the Tribe as you would other online courses, you pay one fee and are never charged again.

Learning herbalism and aromatherapy is an investment in your future. I hope you'll join us!


Because of the massive value of the content inside the Confident Herbalist Tribe and the fact that it's all digital, you have one day to look over the materials and join the student group to see if it's a place for you. If you decide that it's not for you, please reach out for a full refund within that first 24 hours.

If you're on a subscription plan, please NOTE: Your access to the materials and the student group will be cancelled immediately upon cancellation of your payments regardless of the payment date of your subscription.


In these difficult times, we all want physical resources in our homes. Because I've found that students become overwhelmed with the massive amount of content available, materials are downloadable for students in good standing on a quarterly basis. However ALL materials are available for viewing online at any time. There are also physical books compiled of the herbal masterclasses available for an additional cost. **If you choose the "own the Tribe as a course" option, and you'd like a copy of any of the PDF's outside the quarter it's available, just reach out to me, and we'll take care of that for you via email.


I'm an introvert too, so I get you. When I take online courses, I usually don't engage in those groups on Facebook at all, no thank you.

However, as a career school teacher for decades, I know the power of engagement and human interaction in the learning process. I also know the mistakes other schools make in facilitating their student groups. I know how to avoid those mistakes.

I'm an expert facilitator, our community stands upon values of learning and respect, and it's a safe space for you to ask questions and learn.

Finally, our student village is OFF social media, completely. I care so much for our students that we've paid for, built, and created our village on a private platform where you won't experience the "creepiness" of Facebook.

You do NOT have to be involved in the student community if you don't want to. You can still enjoy all the videos and texts and the replays of previous chats on your own.

However, I encourage you to join the student area and take advantage of the incredible support and love there is inside!


The Tribe is NOT for a person who:

  • is looking for a totally free option for learning herbalism and aromatherapy. Learning anything worthwhile is an investment in your time and money.
  • wants to use the Tribe to sell their own products or spam the group with their YouTube videos
  • isn't truly interested in learning about herbs and essential oils
  • already has a vast knowledge of herbs and essential oils
  • doesn't really care about their health or the health of their family

The Tribe IS for a person who:

  • understands that learning herbalism is a valuable skill that you have for life!
  • realizes the power of plant medicine and wants to learn
  • is interested in leaving a valuable legacy to their children and grandchildren
  • likes to learn alone
  • likes to learn in community
  • wants a safe place and person to ask questions of and get answers!
  • wants a more affordable herbal education without losing quality
  • enjoys sharing their experiences with herbs and asking questions


Herbalism can be learned in the margins of your life. When I started learning how to use medicinal herbs with skill, I quickly realized I could create most herbal preparations in under 10 minutes in my kitchen.

The Tribe is structured to save you time in researching and wondering what you should be doing. Besides human answers, you can also search hundreds of replays of videos from masterclasses and live Q&A chats with an optional transcript.

You have a safe place to get quick answers!


There are TWO options for joining the Tribe:

The FIRST option is to join on a subscription basis. This means you have access to the materials for as long as you pay your monthly, quarterly, or annual payment. If you stop your payments, your membership ends immediately, and you lose access to the student group and all course materials.

Some people want to have access to the materials and student group without having a subscription, so if this is you, there's another option.

The SECOND option is to own the content like you would an online course. This means that you'll make one full payment or take advantage of the payment plan if you like....once you've paid in full, you now can access the Tribe content and the student group at any time with no more payments at all. You'll own the Tribe for the lifetime of the course/membership.


There are two main aspects of the Confident Herbalist Tribe:

1) The course materials and video replays (that are searchable) are housed inside the school

2) The student community is housed on a private platform OFF social media where you're safe.

All areas of the Tribe area accessible from the student group, the searchable area, and also from within the school at

You're in charge of how you want to approach your herbal studies inside the Tribe. Masterclasses are organized in these ways:

1) Herbal Foundations courses are available for those who need the basics.

2) The deep-dives into specific plants and essential oils are organized three different ways:

**by body systems (great for those with health issues they want to work on)

**by seasons (great for gardeners and foragers)

**alphabetically (great for those who want a very ABC approach

PLUS, take advantage of our weekly live learning sessions, which are recorded so you can watch the replays.

YOU get to choose how to learn! And if you want ideas, the members in the student group can help get you going, or you can ask in one of the live weekly chats!


The Confident Herbalist Tribe is an ever-growing, and therefore, ever-changing membership opportunity. I do reserve the right to make changes to the organization, frequency, and format of any additional materials according to the needs of my students or to streamline materials if I feel this is necessary. As of now, new masterclasses are added on an approximate monthly basis, with workshops rotated in and out per quarter or fully included for your benefit.

Live learning sessions 3 to 4 times a month that include replays for those who can't attend are also included.

The Tribe has breathed so much life and confidence into my use of herbs at home!

THIS is the herbalism group I have been looking for! As a health-research addict, with a passion for natural healing, I’ve long wanted to take a comprehensive herbalism course to gain confidence in my home use of herbal preparations for my kids. The Tribe has breathed so much life and confidence into my use of herbs at home!

 –Anna Merhalski, Herbalist and Writer at Salt in My Coffee


Because it's a digital product with a massive amount of content, you have one day to look it over and decide if the Tribe is right for you. If it's not for you, and if you haven't downloaded anything, you can ask for a refund (lifetime option).

NOTE: A student who has downloaded more than a typical monthly amount of content (one masterclass text book, videos, and replay transcripts per month) will not be eligible for a refund.

The Tribe is extremely valuable in its entirety. Please respect our hard work and don't steal.

100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED badge will help the customer to understand that this product is well made and it will definitely meet their high expectation of usage.