Ready to Improve Your Health by Mastering the Art and Science of Herbal Tea?

Knowing how to combine herbs skillfully for health by making perfect cups of herbal tea can be difficult at first. It's hard to get the flavors just right...and is that herbal tea really working?

Take the 4-Day Herbal Tea Challenge to feel more energy, enjoy a flavorful daily tea ritual, and know how the actual tastes of the herbs tell you what health benefits they have for your body, and MORE!

There are SO many ways to prepare medicinal herbs, and herbal teas are one of the BEST methods of obtaining their amazing health benefits!

Top view of traditional black turkish tea with lemon and honey on wooden background

PLUS you'll also receive our free Herbal Tea Starter Guide with tonic recipes when you sign up!

Get the Herbal Tea Starter Guide when you sign up! And look for emails for the Challenge REPLAYS...only available for a couple more days.


FREE 3-Day Herbal Tea Challenge: What You Need to Know About Herbal Teas for Health and Practical Ways to Make Herbal Tea a Daily Practice

Tea with wild thyme outdoors.
small porcelain tea pots with different sorts of tea such as black tea, matcha tea, gunpowder tea, green tea, rooibos tea


OOPS! You missed the live sessions! You can catch the REPLAYS for just a couple more days.....


Learn about tastes and benefits, upping the flavors, & how to incorporate them into your daily life so you can experience optimal health!

I found this course extremely inspiring. Heidi's style of teaching is gentle and calm with a gorgeous sunny smile. It's like having a friend in the kitchen with you.

— Caroline W.

Hey there, I’m

Heidi Villegas

I help people obtain and regain health through use of medicinal herbs, aromatherapy, and natural living so you can feel your BEST!

I used to dislike the tastes of herbal teas...and I used to think they were (frankly) a pain to make! But when I started learning about medicinal herbs around 20 years ago, over time I've learned how powerful, simple, and effective herbal teas can be in your health journey.

PLUS...they can taste amazing, too. They're one of the easiest and healthiest self-care and health rituals available to us!

I never thought I would ever say I'm loving tea 😂 For me the teas are now top. They work straight away, how amazing is that!

-Shell Smith

Here's What You'll Learn Each Day of the

Herbal Teas for Health


Day 1---

Getting Started with Herbal Tea

Most people just purchase stale tea bags from stores and call it good. Luckily, herbal teas are becoming more and more mainstream, and we can find them everywhere these days....But are they good for us?

You'll be learning....

  • What to look for in quality herbs
  • Why the herbal teas in stores are NOT the best choices
  • How to infuse with loose leaf herbs properly

Day 2---

Does Herbal Tea Really Help Your Health?

Do you ever wonder how a simple substance like water can extract benefits from the herbs? Or if the flavors of the herbs make a difference?

You'll be learning about....

  • How the tastes of herbs can inform you of the health benefits
  • What vitamins, minerals, and other plant components water extracts
  • Using high quality essential oils to boost flavor and health

Day 3---

Tonics for Daily Use

We've all heard the word, "tonic," before, but what does it REALLY mean?

You'll be learning....

  • What a tonic herb is and does?
  • How to blend herbs together and have them taste great while being supremely beneficial (AND: we're going to make a tonic blend together, too)

What if I told you that you could...

Make the most beautiful herbal tea blends with ease? And yes....herbal blends that have incredible health benefits and taste amazing!

At the end of this challenge, you'll be on your way to making the daily habit of drinking easy, inexpensive, delicious, and beneficial herbal teas a part of your life!

PLUS you'll also receive a free copy of the Herbal Tea Starter Guide once you register!