Become a confident Family Herbalist without worrying about safety and effectiveness AND while saving money, time, and enjoying better health.

Create a practical, customized natural home medicine chest, and learn herbalism skills and knowledge you can use forever.

Yes! You CAN take your time and match your studies to YOUR schedule!

You're welcome to go through as many future open and live student cohort groups (community and support) as you wish OR study on your own (also enjoying support in the student community)!

You have access to all course materials from the time of purchase, including the student community, over 100 past searchable Q&A replays, over 200 remedy formulations, community and mentor support, and a massive searchable data base of videos, group questions, and more so you can ALWAYS get your questions answered.

There's no other herbalism program like it!

Learn More

"It's worth every penny spent and time invested....!"

"One of my biggest take-aways from taking Ditch the Drugstore is knowledge about the immense use of tinctures & infused oils that can be combined for different reasons. So powerful. I so enjoyed every part of it & especially gleaned from the weekly chats- the workbook- invaluable. The course itself is now my reference point for so many other things. It's worth every penny spent & time invested in the learning because it lets you take control of your health"

 –Alicia DeVore, Student


You know you should be giving your family the safest and best natural medicine, but you just don't feel confident. You might be wondering, "What if I accidentally poison somebody?"

Let's face it--there's nothing more frustrating than wanting to never go to the drugstore again to buy medicine, only to feel like you HAVE to and THEN feeling sick, groggy, or just plain bad....and never actually getting better or truly healing.

And there's nothing more disheartening than wanting to save money--only to have to head back to the drugstore AGAIN because the first medicine didn't even work!

You know that you should be able to figure out how to make your own home remedies and medicines like those natural moms online or like the people who are super prepared for emergencies with natural medicine. Maybe you've even tried looking for some great remedies to start with?

And yet, it's not quite working.

  • The information online is overwhelming and contradictory
  • You're deathly afraid of accidentally poisoning someone
  • Maybe the herbs and essential oils just won't work?
  • On top of this, you're not even sure which herbs or essential oils to start with!

Other people make it look easy. But for you, it's been anything but.

You thought that the hard part was going to be figuring out which remedies to make, but as it turns out, that was only just the beginning. And now you feel like you must be missing something.

What if there was a way to make sure you create the perfect, safe, natural home medicine chest for your family so you can be healthier, save money, and be prepared...without worry?

Hi! I'm Heidi Villegas.

Since 2012 I've taught thousands of people to use herbs and essential oils so they and their family can experience:

  • Improved health and wellness
  • Speedy and healthy recoveries from cold, flu, and more
  • Enhanced immune systems
  • Better sleep
  • Peace of mind about what they're putting in their own and their family members' bodies
  • Being prepared for health needs and emergencies
  • Empowerment in health choices
  • And SO much more....

I can help YOU have these things too! I'm an experienced:

  • community and clinical herbalist
  • certified professional level aromatherapist,
  • herb grower and forager
  • career teacher and facilitator
  • homesteader
  • grandmother

"This course has changed my life!"

"I now have preparations in my apothecary that not only support symptoms of common ailments, but actually have healing and restorative benefits as well. Getting through things such as the flu will no longer require a chemical s@#! storm (excuse me). We will actually be nourishing our bodies in the process. This course has changed my life! Taking Ditch the Drugstore accelerated the building of my apothecary and increased my confidence. You'll be astonished at what you can accomplish!"

 –Courtney Cocke RN, Student


Imagine hearing your child coughing in the next room, and you're not even worried.

How can this be?

Because you know how to quickly make (or already have on hand) an easy, safe, effective cough syrup that is clinically proven to work better than over-the-counter choices and that will actually support her little body in the healing process!

Here's what that would be like for you....

  • Relief knowing that you have what you need for just about any common ailment at your fingertips
  • Being ready in an know how to use the plants growing right in your garden, and you have your shelf-stable tinctures ready to go in the cupboard!
  • Saving literally hundreds or even thousands of dollars because you'll be able to make your own home plant medicines for life
  • Knowledge and skill you OWN, that can't be taken away from you by anyone
  • Even with supply chain disruptions, you'll be able to make what you need.

"Ditch the Drugstore is amazing!....100% WORTH IT"

"Ditch the Drugstore is amazing! It really helped me grasp the concept of "putting herbs together " for specific purposes.  Sure this herb is good for.....but this herb combined with these others makes the end result amazing! Until I took DTDS I just couldn't wrap my head around that! I get so much more out of learning about herbs and putting them together now. I'll be jumping in for this round too! It will be my third.  100% WORTH IT

--Kellie McKay, DTDS Student

"I'm so GLAD I jumped in to learn herbalism!"

"One of the biggest victories aside from improved breathing problems is we no longer buy 1-2 boxes of Sudafed EVERY MONTH!  We don't use ibuprofen every day like we used to, either! I don't remember the last time we used it!  This is all MAJOR. I use only herbal expectorants now!  My last bottle of Robitussin is on the shelf, expired long ago!  And for pain relief: This has been a stubborn condition and to get through it without drugs is amazing!  I am SO encouraged! 

I also have to say that we have just not been sick since we started using herbs regularly!  I can't thank you enough for giving me the practical instruction and encouragement that I needed to jump in to all of this after hesitating for so, so long!"

 –Sandy Judy, Student and Herbalist


DITCH THE DRUGSTORE is a step-by-step program designed to help you plan and create the home remedies YOUR unique family needs so that you're ready for basic emergencies, you can handle common ailments easily, AND you'll save hundreds if not thousands of dollars over time (because you're NOT going to the drugstore)

If you're a natural mom or grandma or anyone who:

  • wants to be prepared
  • is just plain tired of buying expensive over-the-counter drugs that contain toxic chemicals and harmful mystery ingredients
  • knows their family deserves the best health choices
  • wants to walk out to their garden or at least know what medicinal herbs and essential oils to order and where to get them....
  • understands that our modern drug supply comes from other countries and is run by big money and wants to feel safer and more independent

More than just a course, it's the key to unlocking a healthier, more empowered lifestyle for you and your loved ones.

Ditch the Drugstore is the Family Herbalism opportunity that I promise you don't want to miss.


"Ditch the Drugstore and learning about medicinal herbs is VERY empowering!"

"Take the course! It is VERY empowering to realize you can provide safe and effective medicine for your family that you made yourself. Heidi is a great teacher and makes you excited about learning more about what our grandmothers knew and has been lost."

 –Lou Clark, Student


It's a proven step-by-step system for quickly mastering important herbal foundations while planning and creating products your unique family needs. No generic herbalism here.....

Most people are overwhelmed with all the conflicting herbal information and choices. Dealing with and improving discomfort from common ailments is fairly simple, but many times it's taught in a very complicated way.

Not Ditch the Drugstore!

My approach is a no-nonsense, no-fluff, step-by-step course to help you choose, plan, and create natural remedies you actually need for YOUR special and unique family. can take your time with lifetime access.

Another issue with most courses is the teacher isn't present. At all. There's usually VERY little support and no way to get answers......

But not with me and our team. We're here for you every step of the way for the entire six to eight weeks of each open cohort! I care so deeply about your success that I'm here for you, live and in person on our weekly chats and also in the student group to help support you. Plus, our herbal village (the student community) has experienced herbalists and aromatherapists to help you out too.

Ditch the Drugstore is the answer.


The foundations: Learn herbal & aromatic safety, dosing, and more

Essential oil, mortar with fresh herbs and bath salt on wooden background

First, you'll learn the safety foundations for using herbs and essential oils so you don't need to worry about making a mistake.

I've included valuable resources for dosing, dilution, and safety for you to refer back to as well.

If you're brand new to herbal medicine, you'll also learn basic preparation methods in this phase.

Lots of questions come up in this first phase, and our live Q&A chats are amazing. All replays are also available to you, and these are searchable....with optional transcripts!


Plan your custom apothecary plus learn herbal- aromatic medicine making

alternative medicine with dried herbs using motar and peste, and book on science sheet

The second step seems easier than it really is, but this is the part that causes most people to quit when they're doing this on their own because all the information out there causes overwhelm and confusion.

That's why I've created your Family Home Pharmacy Workbook to help you make sure you've covered all your bases and have a workable plan that will truly meet your unique family's needs.

Your family is not like my family. We're all different! The home medicine chest you'll put together is going to be unique to your needs.


FUN! Create and use your personalized remedies

In Phase Three of Ditch the Drugstore, you'll start creating your herbal remedies, write the important things to know about each of them at a glance on your Reference Guide for each remedy, and have a plan for use.

You'll also start considering your organization and be able to share with other students. Our combined ideas are so powerful!

This is the fun phase, and also where you'll start loving your home apothecary--and so will your family.

"Ditch the Drugstore stopped the paralysis by analysis!"

"Ditch The Drug Store is a wonderful course for someone who is ready to get their home apothecary going. The workbook helps you create a personalized plan for your family's apothecary. With Heidi's guidance and knowledge you will be amazed at how many over the counter medicines you can replace with a much safer herbal or essential oil alternative. I would recommend this course to everyone. My greatest take away is that the course stopped the paralysis by analysis and I actually made many things."

 –Ann Gaquinto-Scott, Student

Finally....Get your personalized home apothecary created:


The NEXT student cohort is starting soon!

Don't miss this opportunity to

Ditch the Drugstore!

Everything you need to get your customized home apothecary planned, created, and organized, including support and help customizing formulations. This is knowledge and skill you'll have FOREVER once it's learned. This is true health empowerment:

  • Herbal and Aromatic Safety and Foundations
  • Herbal medicine making lessons
  • Essential oil medicine making lessons
  • Family Pharmacy Step-by-Step Planning Guide
  • Cold, flu, and immune system health information and remedies
  • Pain management for common needs information and remedies
  • Stress, sleep, and relaxation information and remedies
  • Female complaints information and remedies
  • First Aid information and remedies
  • Digestion & elimination information and remedies
  • Common skin conditions information and remedies
  • Pets and more miscellaneous information and remedies
  • PERSONALIZED HELP if you need it

Value: $1,997 (and with Lifetime Access)


  • BONUS: Access to me or an herbal coach personally each week for 6-8 weeks in a LIVE chat with a recorded (and searchable) replay included. If you can't make it, you can still get your questions answered!

VALUE: $1,200

  • BONUS: Access to me and other herbalists/aromatherapists in a dedicated student community that's private and OFF social prying eyes... A place where you can get your questions answered.

VALUE: $1,997

  • BONUS: Colds & Flus--A Complete Four-Phase Guide

VALUE: $77

  • BONUS: Healing Herbs of the Bible Course

VALUE: $77

  • BONUS: Kitchen Spices for Whole Body Health

VALUE: $57

  • BONUS: Additional First Aid Recipes Book

VALUE: $57

  • BONUS: Herbal Salves, Butters, Balms, and Oils Book

VALUE: $77

  • EXTRA VALUE BONUS: Access to Searchie, our special platform for searching all the past three years worth (over 90+ and growing) of live Q&A replays by keyword, with an optional transcript. PRICELESS value, but we have to put a number on it so.... (This bonus feature has saved students SO much time and speeded up the learning curve)

VALUE: $2,997

  • BONUS: Come harvest St. John's Wort with Me, and have the option to purchase freshly foraged St. John's wort at harvest time!

VALUE: $97

  • BONUS: LIFETIME ACCESS to ALL materials, the student community, and searchable platform!


TOTAL VALUE: Almost $9,000 --- PLUS you have lifetime access


NOTE: See Terms of Service for Lifetime Access---Basically, as long as the internet is around!

"This knowledge is priceless!"

"A lot has been happening, in regards to putting to use what I have been learning in Ditch the Drugstore. With Covid going around I started some tinctures. I was exposed to Covid last Thursday and started feeling crummy 2 days later. I started using some of the herbal remedies I made that you suggested, and that evening I was feeling pretty good...the tinctures kicked it out of my system immediately. So WOW! IMPRESSIVE! Heidi, I am so grateful to have already applied what I have been learning to help my family. This knowledge is priceless...

 –Deb Huddleston, Student

From this (actual student "Before" picture)...

To this... A self-sufficient home apothecary


Herbs will improve your life....

and I want to help you get started, just like hundreds of previous Ditch the Drugstore students have!

Here's what Ditch the Drugstore students say....

"Live the BEST wealthiest, healthiest life possible..."

--Regina Coley

"I feel empowered to make better choices for my family!"

---Mandy Fiser

"This is definitely the course for you if you're ready to have better, natural options for health."

--Michele Harris

"Even with all the years of study, I still wasn't making herbal products. Ditch the Drugstore (Heidi) was there to help me get my apothecary going. We no longer have to buy any medications....It's well worth the investment."

---Ann Gaquinto-Scott

"You've opened up a whole new world for me!"

---Haley Crane

"Once I took Ditch the Drugstore, I had SO much more confidence, and I had everything ready..."

--Jessica Morgan

"Ditch the Drugstore has changed my life and my family's life. You gain the expertise you need with support."

--Candace K.

"Let's learn how to take care of our families without relying on Big Pharma. I no longer worry about supply chain issues, and I save money too! And...I love the community!"

--Suzanne Thompson

"Through your teaching, we've been able to help my mother-in-law and now have herbal remedies ready."

--Cliff Bennett

"Take your life into your own hands....don't put a band-aid on your life anymore. Heal yourself."

---Cindy Prickett

"You're an amazing mentor, and a life changer too."

--Celene Harrelson

Click NOW to join us!

"I can open this new door of herbalism with peaceful confidence..."

"My interest in herbalism dates from a long time ago, but I never felt confident enough to start in earnest. Too many opinions, a sense of aloneness, and frankly sometimes a bit of unpalatable arrogance on the part of certain people contributed to my hesitation. I can honestly say that something about you feels so wholesome and good, it's inspiring. I'm opening this new door of herbalism with peaceful confidence...."

 –Odile B., Student

Ditch the Drugstore Step-by-Step Customized Home Apothecary and Family Herbalism System


First we'll cover herbal and aromatic (essential oil) safety basics to build awareness of foundational things you need to know. We'll cover things like:

  • Dosing (herbs) for different people
  • Dilutions (essential oils) for different people
  • Safe use of herbs and oils
  • Shelf life and storage of your preparations
  • Sourcing high quality herbs and oils
  • Herbal actions and how to choose herbs
  • And more!

These will give you a foundation of herbalism and aromatherapy basics.


This is the planning module, where you'll use your workbook to actually write out and plan your apothecary. This seems like it might be easy, but you'll find as you begin to consider each family member's specific needs, it's a great idea to have an intentional plan. This is where your questions will really start to come up...and again, I'm here for you.


These are the action modules! Here's where the rubber meets the road, and you begin to create and build your natural home medicine chest. This is where you're going to have a TON of questions: about the plants, the remedies, and your family members' needs.

After teaching herbalism and aromatics to thousands for so long, I promise you'll have questions, and I'm here to help you.

Sections Include:

  • Herbal medicine making: tinctures, infusions, acetums, oxymels, electuaries, compresses, poultices, glycerites, roller bottles, aromatic sprays, diffusion, and more!
  • Pain relieving remedies for common complaints
  • Seasonal allergies and cold & flu replacements for OTC medications
  • Stress, sleep, and relaxation
  • First aid
  • General female complaints (menstruation, peri-menopause, menopause)
  • Digestion & elimination
  • Common skin conditions
  • Miscellaneous (pets, outdoor needs, etc.)
  • And more!

The BEST thing of all, I'll introduce you to a brand new world of plant medicine including why the plants work.....It's truly amazing!


ACCESS TO A PRIVATE STUDENT COMMUNITY: The student community is TRULY private. It's OFF social media, on a private platform so you can feel free to ask your questions without the prying eyes of tech giants.....

Our community is more than just a "student group," which are usually very unengaged and where members lack interest in each other. NOT our group! We are a values-based, kind, supportive, and highly active community where you'll feel at home and safe.

LIVE QUESTION AND ANSWER CHATS: On top of everything else, I'll be live with you in person in the student group several times for the six- to eight-weeks to answer your questions so you can truly personalize your family's home apothecary. I typically charge $200 to $300 an hour for my consultation time with clients, so this alone is a GREAT bonus perk!


See the full list above for ALL the bonuses.

Although Ditch the Drugstore is a self-contained course for you to be able to build out your home medicine chest with confidence, I want to give you even more!


This is a video course with a complete digital book with recipes included. Learn about the plants people in ancient times used and enjoy trying out the practical recipes for today's times.


🌺 It's worth noting that right now, there are around 200 remedies and recipes in the combined materials. The main Ditch the Drugstore Recipe book is fully indexed by ailment, herb, and type of preparation too!

You'll ALSO get these additional text bonuses:

  • Herbal Salves, Oils, Butters, and Balms
  • Kitchen Spices for Whole Body Health
  • Cold and Flu
  • Natural First Aid
  • Healing Herbs of the Bible Recipe book


All of the replays of the live Question and Answer sessions from previous student cohorts inside the course materials and inside our SEARCHABLE platform that includes transcripts!

Have a question and need a fast answer? Ask inside the student community OR go to the Searchable area, where you can bring up ALL the videos with transcripts!

This is currently over 100 hours of video to start, and they are in addition to the course module videos. The live Question and Answer chats are FILLED with valuable information and answers based on YOUR questions. These are on a special, searchable platform just for you.


YES! Another BONUS! I'll show you how to identify and harvest St. John's Wort from the wild. This is one of the herbs commonly used in the famous Trauma Oil, and you'll find you may want to make this amazing infused oil.

ONLY for Ditch the Drugstore and Confident Herbalist Tribe students, I provide an option for you to obtain fresh St. John's wort from my own foraging each summer. It costs next to nothing to make the lovely red infused St. John's oil, but if you have to buy it, it's VERY expensive.


At the end of our time together, we celebrate with a fun online gathering with giveaways! This is online on Zoom, and is a chance for us to see our progress, share ideas and wins, and show off what we've created so far!

"Herbs gave us more control over our health care."

"I gag on store-bought cough & cold medicines. I am SO glad to have alternatives!.....What I love most is that herbs give us more control over our own health care, and they connect us to the earth. I feel like I am touching more areas of ME than I ever have and am incorporating my love of science and the natural world more than I ever have in my adult life...."

 –Heather Niemi Savage, Student

"I can't believe it worked that quickly!"

"I made Heidi's magnesium spray with a little lavender. I sprayed my husband once on each thigh. He didn't have any more cramps that night. We did this three nights in a row. He stopped cramping after I sprayed him every time! We forgot last night until he started cramping again. He actually asked for it last night, AND he was rolling eyes the first night. 😆 I can't believe it worked that quickly. I think it's helping him fall asleep faster too."

--Sara Hale, Student

Here's what's included!

Get all the knowledge you need to get your home apothecary planned and created in just six to eight weeks...

Essential oil, mortar with fresh herbs and bath salt on wooden background

Ditch the Drugstore Step-by-Step Program

Step One: Learn herbal and essential oil safety, dilution and dosing, and when you need to customize a formula. Need to customize? We'll help you.

Step Two: Complete the workbook so you can plan an apothecary that your family needs. All families are different. In this step, you'll save time and money planning out what you need for your family.

Step Three: CREATE! This is where you'll make your family and friends what they need. This is the part where you learn medicine making, experiment with support, and become an herbalist!

You have me and our team to hold your hand....This is priceless, as most courses are completely self-study, leaving you without a real teacher to answer your questions....

What's better than having an experienced herbalist and aromatherapist at your fingertips to...

  • get answers about using herbs and oils with children, pets, and more....and get safe, knowledgeable answers
  • help you with any special formulations for specific needs
  • answer questions about herb-drug interactions, contraindications, dosing and more
  • help you feel confident that the remedies you're making are right for you and your family
  • facilitate an incredible support system
  • explain how and why the herbs and essential oils work...including the chemistry if you desire

Any fears you have about hurting someone in your family will dissolve because as a certified professional aromatherapist and practicing herbalist, I can help you with answers and also help you tweak any formulas to meet your needs.

BONUS: The Course, Healing Herbs of the Bible and How to Use Them Today

Yes! I'm also giving you my specialty course, Healing Herbs of the Bible, which sells for $57 in my school, is an extremely well-researched look into the healing plants used thousands of years ago in Biblical times! It also contains recipes and remedies to try, as well; and includes videos and a full 70 page book with more recipes!

alternative medicine with dried herbs using motar and peste, and book on science sheet

EXTRA VALUABLE BONUS! All course videos are now completely searchable!

YES! Even though I'm in the student group constantly and am available for questions AND hold question and answer live chats with replays for students, I've made it even easier for you to get answers to your important herbal and essential oil questions! All video lessons, including previous replays of live chats are searchable. Just type in your search word, and all the places where I discussed the ailment, formula, herb and more pop up for you! do written transcripts.

We're the ONLY herbalism school that offers this feature. I'm serious when I say I want every family to have access to a qualified herbalist!

BONUS: Harvest St. John's Wort Oil With Me and Make St. John's Wort Infused Oil

To make SJW oil, you need to harvest it during one special time of the year....or you'll need to buy the prepared oil. And it's expensive. It's also one of the ingredients in the famous Trauma Oil, a favorite in the herbal cabinet!

In this bonus, you'll get to come with me to identify and harvest St. John's wort, then learn how to make the infused oil!

Don't have St. John's wort growing near you? No worries!

Because you're a student of the course, you'll have the option to obtain wild-harvested St. John's wort from us when it's ready to harvest in the summer so you can make your own Trauma Oil and St. John's infused oil at home. This is a VERY special offer and ONLY for Ditch the Drugstore or Confident Herbalist Tribe students.

Are you on the fence?

At our school, we CARE.

Here's what students in our student village say about Ditch the Drugstore:

"I can't think of any OTC medication I would walk into a drugstore for that wasn't covered."

"I highly recommend this course. I have taken a similar course before and even had already made some of the recipes, yet the experience of going through this course live was invaluable. This course helps you to organize and prioritize your family's specific needs while you assemble a cabinet full of the most practical herbal preparations that you will want to have on hand and gives you the confidence to use them appropriately when needed. I learned so much having direct access to Heidi in the live classes as well as the other people in the student group. Also: I can't think of any OTC medication I would walk into a drugstore for that wasn't covered in this course.

--Jenn Vitkauskas, Student

"Herbs are helping my husband and I get healthy."

"I found a new world of natural medicine thanks to Heidi... I have been able to replace my inhaler (which I took twice daily) for a simple, safe tincture.That being said I have NOT had to take my inhaler for a year now! This has not only helped me NOT put harmful steroids in my body, it has also saved me $135 a month. There are herbs I now know how to use that have helped me go from 2% away from stage 5 kidney failure (which requires dialysis). I am now stable in stage four and there is no talk of dialysis! There are other changes I have made too. Needless to say, herbs have changed my life and are helping my husband and I get healthy. This journey is a blessing. Thank you so much Heidi!"

 –Amy Balser, Student

Here's what's included:

"I have such a better quality of life now."

"After taking the DTDS course my confidence in my new Herbal journey exploded!! I have tinctures, salves, oils, teas and many other medicinal preparations ready to go when needed. I have been so happy to be able to just go to my own "Drug Store"  and have natural healing medicine that is not full of chemicals....I have been able to share some of my herbal preparations with others and have had wonderful feedback from those I've had the pleasure to share with. I have such a better quality of life now and only see new ways to improve my self physically, mentally and spiritually in the future as a result of an amazing teacher and the great community here.  Thank you Heidi you are truly a blessing to anyone's life that you touch!! 

 –Cindy Prickett, Student

"Be ready for life-changing results!"

"Everything about the course was fantasticThe course changed my life in many ways. I haven’t taken any allergy meds in 6 weeks, and I was a 2 a day Zyrtec-D person for the last 5 years. I also had a follow up with my doctor about my BP and he said with the progress that I have made I do not need to go on any meds. Mullein and marshmallow root and hawthorn berry and flowers are my daily tinctures. Keep an open mind and be willing and ready for life changing results. Don’t be over whelmed any questions or concerns are always answered and point you in the correct direction to find the answers you need."

--Matt Wiedyk, Student

"There is so much peace of mind knowing I have the tools to keep my family healthy naturally."

“My greatest takeaway from Ditch the Drugstore is the feeling of being in control. I love knowing I have to tools at my fingertips (hoping some to be from memory) to take care of most of my family's heath and wellness needs. Heidi genuinely wants her students to learn as much as possible and has been there for us via zoom meetings a couple times a week as well as in the online student group all week long. This course is jam-packed with detailed information and herbal recipes for our home apothecary. There is so much peace of mind in knowing I have the tools to help keep my family heathy naturally. Thank you, Heidi!"

 –Karen Herrman, Student


Is Ditch the Drugstore Right For Me?


In Ditch the Drugstore you'll learn:

  • Basic herbal and essential oil foundations (safety, dosing, dilution ratios, herbal actions, and more)
  • How to consider and plan for what your unique family needs, with support from me if needed
  • Which remedies you should include in your apothecary
  • What tools you'll need to make your remedies (you probably already have 90% of them)
  • How to make the remedies
  • TONS of supporting materials and a student group where you can ask questions

NOTE: This course is for helping you get your home apothecary created for your family. I'll be adding more remedies and recipes to the course as we go based on student feedback.

What this course is NOT: Ditch the Drugstore is a focus on common ailments....not major health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and other serious health needs. These often require herbal consultations and more in-depth study of medicinal plants for best results. If you're looking for information on these kinds of health needs, please consider the Confident Herbalist Tribe for support. You're welcome to reach out to me at if you have questions.


GREAT NEWS! I would never want you to be unhappy. Once you purchase Ditch the Drugstore, you'll have five days to determine if the course is a good fit for you. If you decide it doesn't meet your needs, just request a full refund in the five day period, no questions asked.  


The materials are only in a digital format at this time. However, many of the bonus digital books are available in print for an additional price. You can find these in our shop, and students of Ditch the Drugstore get a hefty discount, too.


Ditch the Drugstore course will be delivered digitally, via the email address you provide at checkout. It should arrive within 5-10 minute of your purchase. You will then have ONGOING access, even if we're not in an "open, live" enrollment period.

You'll also receive an email explaining how to log in, as well as how to access the private student group. Participation in the student group isn't necessary, but it's a HUGE enhancement and support with experienced herbalists and aromatherapists.

If you have difficulties, please reach out to me at: with COURSE QUESTION in the subject line, and I'll be sure to see it and get back to you with answers and help within 24 hours.

You can also get help from inside the student group.


Absolutely! I'll explain exactly what to look for in quality, dried bulk herbs and give you some great options! These will be to places I personally buy any bulk herbs I need in my own work with clients and my apothecary.


Yes! I pride myself on explaining all safety information clearly and accurately. There are dosing charts for herbs for different ages. I have also included my Essential Oil Reference Guide for you inside the course materials so you know how much essential oil to use for children, pets, adults, and other special populations (like pregnant/nursing women).


This course IS for you IF:

  • The information everywhere is overwhelming to you, and you realize that a LOT of it is NOT safe or trustworthy.
  • Creating proven, herbalist-tested recipes is important to you.
  • You're tired of second-guessing what you should have on hand for emergencies or situations.
  • You want to use natural remedies for your family and avoid mystery ingredients and toxic chemicals as much as possible.
  • You're new to the herbal world, or have only been studying herbs for a little while.
  • You lack confidence in your herbal choices, and don't know much about medicinal plants (yet).
  • You have a bit of herbal knowledge and still want to be able to ask clarifying questions.
  • You've taken herbal courses before and been frustrated with the support you haven't received or been pressured to purchase products.

This course is NOT for you IF:

  • You've been studying herbalism and aromatherapy for awhile and feel very comfortable making your own home remedies already.
  • You can easily tell the difference between an effective and safe remedy and one that isn't.
  • You have no questions about creating a personalized home apothecary, and your home apothecary is perfect just as it is.
  • You really don't mind dosing up your baby on Benadryl to get her to go to sleep (yes, I knew a mom like this) or using over-the-counter medications each and every day with no regard to the health consequences.
  • You have a complicated health problem and therefore require much one-on-one advice or help. If this describes you, please work directly with a trained herbalist. This course is also not a place to crowd-source advice for medical conditions. HOWEVER, Ditch the Drugstore has been an excellent gateway for many who have medical issues to start working with their unique bodies with some guidance on holistic herbalism.


You can expect to purchase herbs and essential oils, as well as some containers. These can last for years, depending on your choices of preparation, and I teach you medicine making methods as part of the course, too. For example, a tincture lasts indefinitely and can potentially become an excellent barter item!

Each family is different, and the herbs and essential oils you'll need will depend on the unique needs of your family. Most herbs aren't expensive, and many can be found in your local grocery store or right in your garden!

Your herbal and aromatic (essential oil) purchases are investments in your family's future health and wellness. Even though there will be somewhat of an investment in the beginning, you'll save hundreds if not thousands of dollars over time. You'll also be leaving a legacy of knowledge to your children and grandchildren, and truly, this is priceless.

I've chosen herbs and essential oils for the course that can multi-task too, so this will cut down on what you'll need to purchase.

I'll help you source herbs you need to order online.

Also, keep in mind that developing your home apothecary may take some students more time than others, and is often a process over a longer time. You can always start with those items that are used most often, and slowly add to your medicine chest over time. There's no rush, and you're never behind! You always have access to the course materials for as long as the internet is around.


You'll find the actual course materials (videos, printables, etc.) inside the school platform, and you'll get a link to the course when you buy.

The student community is on a totally private platform we pay for called Mighty Networks (NO Facebook), and you'll receive an invitation and/or an email with a special link to join. It's ONLY for students of Ditch the Drugstore.

Enjoy private conversations that aren't monitored by any social media tech giant. You can feel safe and confident in knowing your personal needs aren't open to the whole world.

"It's a solid confidence builder..."

Even though I've been in the Confident Herbalist Tribe now for two years, I don't regret taking DTDS. It has enhanced & honed my herbal journey. The recipe book is fantastic & I love that it also covers essential oils as well as herbs. DTDS is so much more than a course, it's hard to explain & translate into words. It's a very personal experience & journey that you go on, when you start learning how to tailor your own home apothecary. It's a solid confidence builder. Our medicine box of over the counter products has been completely transformed 🦋

 –Shell Smith, Student

"My family uses them too, and my neighbors love the salves."

"Heidi, Not only do I use the things I have made but my family has started using them too.  I put together a small apothecary for 2 granddaughters going to college.  My son is a respiratory therapist so now takes fire cider every day as he is exposed to covid all the time. My neighbors have loved the salves and things I have given them to try. Thank you so much for the DTD course and all the other courses you have made available in the " Confident Herbalist Tribe Group too.

 –Norma Steiner, Student


It's JAM-Packed!

“What a great resource for those beginning their herbal journey! And it is jam packed with a ton of valuable information. Heidi has done a fantastic job of making this course easy to follow in a language that isn’t overly complicated. She makes it feel very personable and as though I am learning from a close friend. I highly recommend this excellent course for anyone who wants to learn how to use herbs safely and effectively in their everyday life!”

 –Mary Woita, Boots and Hooves Homestead

Disclaimer and Disclosure: I'm NOT a medical doctor. I'm an experienced clinical herbalist and aromatherapist. In no manner, stated or implied, is any statement here or that I make on any platform meant to cure, treat, diagnose, or prevent any disease or illness. Please be sure to check with your healthcare provider for advice on your medical conditions before using herbs and essential oils. Herbalism is unregulated in the U.S., so the FDA hasn't evaluated any information on any herbal platform or on herbal products for efficacy. Ditch the Drugstore is a course focused on common ailments most of us have. This is no promise or statement of cure. Again, it's important to keep your doctor apprised of any herbal uses especially if you're taking medications or are pregnant/nursing. No part of this course is meant to replace the advice of a medical professional. I'm not liable for any injuries, misinterpretations, improper use, possible side effects, or any adverse consequences. It's up to each individual to do their own research on herbs and essential oils. As with all things, our bodies react differently to foods, medications, and herbs. With this said, herbs and essential oils are generally safe when used appropriately. Always do your own additional research on herbs and essential oils, and choose sources from experienced herbalists and aromatherapists and once sure to discuss medical needs with your doctor. Finally, I do my best to make sure all information is up-to-date and accurate, but as time goes on and more scientific studies reveal new information about medicinal herbs, there is a chance that some information may become outdated. At this time DTDS is four proven years old, so we're working from recent science. See full policies and disclaimers in the link below.